Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chemtrail Article in the Examiner Today

Main stream media promotes geo-engineering as climate solution

December 30, 1:36 PM
Norfolk County Political Buzz Examiner
Mark Andrew Riedel

Now that the Copenhagen climate talks have come and gone without an agreement, (as was predicted by most, if not all, members of the 193 country conference), certain main stream media publications have hinted at 'alternative' climate cooling solutions.

One of these 'suggestions' came in the August 2009 issue of National Geographic,, stating that the earth is in need of a "planetary sunshade" consisting of reflective particles such as sulfate, delivered by "planes, balloons, (or) battleship guns pointed upward".

Another 'suggestion' came from the Dec 7, 2009 edition of Newsweek titled, "Copenhagen, Schmopenhagen" ,, and originated from the same source, Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution and the Copenhagen Consensus Center. The delivery system would work as follows: "Military planes (or helium balloons) spray the stratophere with sulfur gases, which disperse and oxidize. The particles scatter back into space some of the sunlight that would have been absorbed by the planet's surface. As more sunlight is deflected, the planet cools. It's like an artificial version of an erupting volcano."

These 'suggestions' seem like viable alternatives to carbon reduction to the average reader, but there are many who have been watching the skies over most of the industrialized world during the past decade or so, who would like some explanation as to what has already been being sprayed into the earth's atmosphere.

The phenomenon known as "chemtrails" has been broadcast on video sharing sites such as youtube and dailymotion for some time now, but until now, most mainstreamers dismiss this topic as an exageration, or just another conspiracy theory. The powers that be have been using geoengineering methods without proper testing, without taking proper safety precautions, without permission, and most importantly, without any explanation.

The fact that these "suggestions" occurred before the Copenhagen summit even took place is the issue in question. It is a known fact that the Council on Foreign Relations is a supporter of geo-engineering. In Newsweek's article they go on to state that, "one kilogram of sulfur could offset the effect of several hundred thousand kilograms of carbon dioxide (and that) potential downsides (include) regional ozone depletion, shifts in weather patterns, (and) drought."

Now, if the CFR was really concerned about such issues, don't you think there would be at least a conjured up explanation for chemtrails?




Artificial Blood?

Clifford Carnicom spoke in September 2009 about the possibility of artificial blood cells being in the filaments connected to the mysterious disease Morgellons which some believe is the result of chemtrails.

Below is a video from that presentation.

To read more about Carnicom's research, please click here.


Chemtrails over San Jose, CA TODAY

Weirdness in the sky which I saw in Sonoma as well.



Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chemtrails over UK AGAIN TODAY


I am convinced that ALL those jets are working together.

Half spreading chemtrails and the other half posing as normal jets with contrails to create confusion.

All part of the brainwashing/mind control of the masses.

"Natural Cloud Formations" over Las Vegas - Feb 2008

"Amazing natural cloud formations here in Las Vegas! Nothing strange or unusual about them at all."


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chemtrail Over Head

As I walked out of work, I looked up and was greeted by this annoying chemtrail.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sonoma Sky Today


December 2, 2009 UPDATE
Check out the chemtrails in these cropped satellite photos (click pic to enlarge):

Satellite MODIS Aqua Dec 1, 2009 over northern California (link)

Satellite MODIS Terra Dec 1, 2009 over northern California (link)